My Reflections on the Course

Even tired of typing :) I am happy that now, finally i am writing my reflections on the course. Project Management in IT (PMIT as called by all students) was a helpful course for me. I think this is what everyone has typed about the course but I would like to give a simple reason for this. In my opinion this subject is something that you "can touch". What do I mean by "something that you can touch"? I mean that everything you learn here, has a benefit which is; you can use it in real life. This makes the subject different from some other subjects that you (or better saying "me") read just for the purpose of finishing the final exam. I started this blog from an empty page, and now I am proud that I can return to this simple and small blog (I always tell my friends "my blog is the most boring blog in the net" :D :D) and read for my pleasure, because I really filled up those blank pages. Special thanks should of course, go to our lecturer who did the course interesting and by the way, I really enjoyed listening about real projects which she shared with us during class time. This really made me understand more about the implementation of the course in real world. Hopefully I will enrich the blog in the future, maybe will include some interesting news from the PMIT area. I think this is enough from me.. :)
Again let me say thanks to Mdm Masita Abdu Rrahman and thanks to those who will show their support by commenting and giving suggestions!


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